I'm Rasťo Kiavčin

& this is my work ⬇️

✈️ Pelikan.sk

Is there anything more challenging than working as a digital marketer for the largest travel agent in the country during pandemic years?

If yes, I'll be more than happy to take on that challenge. In the meantime, this is what crisis marketing work looks like.

🚀 Campus

I had a chance to form the whole digital footprint of Campus - one of the biggest co-working spaces in Slovakia - from scratch.

Together, with this amazing start-up team, we launched multiple digital communication channels, re-branded our space and opened the second space, Campus City.

💙 Istota

This one I love the most. It is a generous idea in which I had a chance to participate. Istota is a chain of hospitals dedicated to the complete treatment of seniors after a serious illness.

I with a team of 2 other amazing freelancers had a chance to build and design this whole brand.

🦠 Zostaň doma

I'm not indifferent to what's going on around me. Everyone wanted to pull their weight to help and prevent this mysterious virus from spreading at march 2020.

I've lent a helping hand encouraging people to stay at home. Because our only vaccine at that time was discipline.

🙃 Digitalnastrategia

I'm helping thousands of people here to get the most out of their digital marketing.

I'm working with 3 amazing people to build my consultant brand and a great product on my Patreon. Trying to turn everything that everyone knows about digital marketing upside down.

💡 Other projects

Almost 2 years of experience in a performance (SERP) marketing agency.

Event marketing digital strategy consulting.

Creative Academy, Digital University and my other consulting projects you can find here.